I sometimes talk at conferences and meetups on a variety of software engineering and creative coding topics. I have been a meetup host and organiser.
Here are a few examples of conferences I have spoken at over the years:

TestCon EU 2022
The Road to Improved Testability

Creative Coding Meetup
I instigated and ran the London Creative Coding Meetup from 2014 to 2018.
I hosted regular talks, and 'show and tell' events, until handing over
the meetup to other organisers in 2019.

DrupalCamp London 2017
How to do Everything with PHP Middleware

Dorkbot London Dec 2014
Talk about the creation of my live-coding language, Cyril.
A bit about the why and how of creating my own programming language.

Drupalcon 2008
Drupal as an Enterprise Web Framework